"I shoot, I score. He shoots, I score." ~ Dan Gable

The Official Site of AC Biddy Wrestling

Updated 2/14/2011

Those who participated in the novice tournament on Sunday (2/13) did really well! We had several who went undefeated! You all made us proud and although your season is over we look forward to coaching you again next year. Please continue to keep an eye on this page for the date of the banquet(March).

As a reminder, wrestlers who are wrestling in the JV and Varsity league tournament must continue to come to practice.

Monday, December 6, 2010

A Winning Attitude Comes From Giving 100%

“I’m a big believer in starting with high standards and raising them. We make progress only when we push ourselves to the highest level. If we don’t progress, we backslide into bad habits, laziness and poor attitude." ~ Dan Gable

Our slogan and goal this year is: "A Winning Attitude Comes From Giving 100%"  Here's a little fun you can have with numbers...

Take a piece of paper, right now, and write out the word "ATTITUDE."  Now assign each letter the number that letter corresponds to and add those numbers up.  Guess what, they add up to 100%.  A=1, T=20, T=20, I=9, T=20, U=21, D=4, E=5 = 100%.   Attitude is everything!

We're a few weeks into the 2010 season and from my observation we have a great group of kids with great personalities and attitudes.  While wrestling is an individual sport, this year's wrestlers understand that it takes the team to elevate and push the individual wrestler to success.  As long as we keep a winning attitude, continue to work, and to strive toward greatness we'll have a bright season - it's bound to happen.  

Share this quote with your wrestler and continue to emphasize the importance of attitude.  “Ability is what you're capable of doing.  Motivation determines what you do.  Attitude determines how well you do it.” ~ Lou Holtz

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