"I shoot, I score. He shoots, I score." ~ Dan Gable

The Official Site of AC Biddy Wrestling

Updated 2/14/2011

Those who participated in the novice tournament on Sunday (2/13) did really well! We had several who went undefeated! You all made us proud and although your season is over we look forward to coaching you again next year. Please continue to keep an eye on this page for the date of the banquet(March).

As a reminder, wrestlers who are wrestling in the JV and Varsity league tournament must continue to come to practice.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Why do I Wrestle?

Many thanks to Erin Sites for sharing this with the team.

Why Do I Wrestle?

Wrestling is my path to greatness, on the mat and in life.  I'm not looking just for fun - though there is nothing more fun and satisfying than dominating my opponent, taking the win, and capturing the title.  If I just wanted fun I'd hang out with friends and forget about lofty goals, but, I can't and won't do that.  The road to glory isn't a game filled with lucky breaks, easy wins, rainbows, puppies and all that is nice.  This is wrestling.  It's hard work.  It is painful holds and heartbreaking losses.  It's lung burning wind sprints and endless repetitions in pursuit of the perfect double leg.  It's hours in the weight room building the strength that makes it all look easy when those of us who are are fortunate enough to know wrestling realize that nothing comes easy.  If it is easy,  then it wasn't worth doing in the first place.  Building me into a person that I am proud to look at in the mirror won't come easy and it won't come to those that lack determination and commitment to persevere hardships - to sacrifice more than others think is wise, and to tenaciously pursue even more difficult challenges while others fall by the wayside.  It often feels like I stand alone, but I journey on the road less traveled as a wrestler intensely focused on my future. Why do I wrestle?  The answer is too complex to state simply and plainly, especially for those who have never risked their pride for humility by answer the call to take "it" to the mat.  Plus...chicks dig it!

Original Author Unknown

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